Phyllis Schlafly
Clare Boothe Luce
Elaine Donnolly
Michele Bachmann
Ayn Rand
Ann Coulter
Kelly-Anne Conway
Elaine Chao
Sarah Palin
Mildred Fay Jefferson
Kirstjen Nielsen
Anita Bryant
Betsy DeVos
Jeanine Pirro
Janet Greene
Rebekah Mercer
Kay Ivey
Janice Rogers Brown
Elizabeth Dilling
Eunie Smith
Lynne Cheney
Laura Ingraham
Nellie Gray
Condoleezza Rice
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Niki Haley
Nancy Reagan
Suzanne Venker
Amy Coney Barrett
Susan Collins
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Priscilla Owen
Suzanne Scott
Kathleen Thompson Norris
Susanna Martinez
Virginia Thomas
Penny Young Nance
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Rose Wilder Lane
Suzanne Silvercruys
Careers aren't fulfilling
I had no clue
If gays are granted rights
There is no war
I was not the power
There are practically
We are buying influence
What I am defending
I wouldn't call
We must not render
It would be much better
Well if  were in charge
A Movement of Women; gallery installation
A Movement of Women; installation detail
Data card; Amy Coney Barrett
A Movement of Women; installation detail
A Movement of Women; installation view
A Movement of Women; library detail
A Movement of Women; memorabilia installation detail
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